November 6th 1992, Gilman Street CA
01) Ashtray Monument
02) The Boat Dreams From the Hill
03) Boxcar
04) Caroline
05) Donatello
06) Face Down
07) Softcore
08) Chesterfield King
09) Eye-5
10) Chasing the Wild Goose (Bad Religion)
11) Kiss the Bottle
12) Parabola
13) Shield Your Eyes
14) Want
15) In Sadding Around
16) Indictment
17) Fine Day
18) Friends Back East
19) Tour Song
20) Bivouac

Audio recording exists, taped from soundboard.

Alex Bender's review of audio recording:

Long and lackluster show. The band isn't in great form - especially Blake, whose voice is continually off-key, not to mention his ham-handed guitar work which degenerates into sloppy noise far too often. The Boat Dreams From the Hill is especially marred by guitar trouble. Boxcar is an early version, and actually the same one that appears on the Old Glory bootleg 7" (labeled as "unplugged" on that release, the song is played palm-muted sans heavy distortion). Want is the standard modified version from the era (see 15 Feb. 1992). In Sadding Around is particularly potent and probably the best song of the show; it has the same lyrics as in the 19 Jun. 1992 show.

The recording is an excellent soundboard, and I have a CD-R recorded from a copy of the original DAT; all instruments and vocals are clear, although the guitar sounds muddy for most of the show (this is not the fault of the taper). The volume fluctuates a few times during the show. Most of the dialogue is cut and fades are present in between song. Oddly, dialogue that occurred right before the last song is tacked onto the recording after the last song is performed.