November 2nd, 1995 @ The Cat's Cradle

"bald steve" said:

The shows were great, I've got some really great pictures of them, Chris wore his kilt, looked pretty much exactly like on the pictures of 24 Hour... I've actually seen my pictures creeping up on other people's websites, it is pretty funny...
Any how, back to the Jawbreaker stuff, they played a little bit of everything during the two sets that I saw it was great, they played with the Smoking Popes the first time.The Smoking Popes were pretty good, they played all my favorite songs, but there was still something in me that wanted them to hurry up and get off the stage so Jawbreaker could play...

"nitetrain" said:

The last time I saw them was at the aforementioned Chapel Hill show that Bald Steve was talking about with the Smoking Popes. Good stuff, wouldnt trade those times for anything.