August 23rd, 1990

Adam Phfaler said:

August 23, 1990

Calgary. Video golf and a pawnshop crawl. Blake fell in unrequited love with a Les Paul going for $400. The club was in the West Inn Hotel, which we thought was strange but apparently is common here. Met Skin Barn. They took us to a falafel joint and asked us about the States. All they really knew besides the music was what they saw on the news -- Americans shoot each other, do a lot of drugs and start wars. I tried to lighten up their perception but somehow managed to scare them even more. The show was so-so. Rusty the promoter, who looked not unlike Chris Elliot, said Canadian audiences are known for being aloof and just kind of standing there. Onstage, Blake said, "If you liked us to this point and don't want to be subjected to some heavy industrial stuff, then maybe you better leave. Get in your car and go home," before going into Driven and Drone. $175.