June 28th, 1990 @ WMFU Radio
01) Welcome To Our Band
02) Softcore
03) Seethruskin
04) Tour Song
05) Eye-5
06) You're Right
07) Big
08) Lawn
09) Pack It Up
Audio recording exists, taped from radio.

Alex Bender's review of audio recording:

This show has a great setlist. For the first couple of songs, Blake's voice is really hoarse and pretty awful-sounding, but it seems to come back as the set moves on. Opening with the instrumental number Welcome To Our Band, Blake then croaks his way with the band through Softcore and Seethruskin. Then comes an early Tour Song and Big (see ?? ??? 1990). Lawn sounds better than the EP version, in my opinion - lots of energy and speed here. Oddly enough, Blake's voice sounds excellent by this point. Pack It Up is actually an attempt at a straight cover, rather than the rewrite that appeared on the LP. After one of the songs, Blake makes a hilarious allusion to a song on Minor Threat's Salad Days 7" ("Is that good enough? I think so"). I've heard two dubs of this show, and both are notably subpar for a radio broadcast; however, one is certainly clearer than the other.