January 7th, 1996 @ Australia
01) Save Your Generation
02) Ashtray Monument
03) Jinx Removing
04) Sheild Your Eyes
05) Lurker II
06) Boxcar
07) Shirt
08) Boat Dreams From The Hill
09) Parabola

Audio recording exists, taped from audience.

Some dude on MTV.com wrote:

Despite a two hour delay in proceedings, local Perth acts Thermos Cardy, Wormfarm and Outstation provided a loud warm up for the first of the internationals, the still relatively unknown Jawbreaker. The hardcore turned pop-rock-punk trio delivered a short sharp set which showcased their ability to harness powerful noise with quirky, angsty lyrics. They won points with the crowd for sharing their water supplies and ended the set by thanking everyone else on the tour.

Let's hear it for Jawbreaker, the barely known ex-hardcore band who shares water and thanks everyone!